

We train not only operators, but maintenance, R&D, and supervisorial staff. All training on TruckCam equipment can be handled in house with a simple phone call or email. Tell us your training needs and schedule, we’ll handle the rest.

We also supply alignment theory classroom training for anyone at your plant that would benefit from a thorough understanding of commercial alignment theory and practice. Alignment for commercial vehicles is very different than alignment for cars and light trucks. Let the company that leads the way in OEM alignment training help you build better.


When you purchase a TruckCam dealer package, it will come standard with a day of setup and training from Big Rig.

We give you the option for an expanded training package that includes: alignment theory and operation, sales training, and promotional guides. The expanded package includes the Big Rig Alignment manual and POP material that identifies you as a Big Rig Certified Alignment Provider.